Published on December 30, 20242 min read

How to Overcome Depression: 5 Things You Can Do NOW to Make a Meaningful Impact

Depression Self-Assessment

This assessment is for adults 18 years and older.

In the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

1. Have you had no interest or pleasure in doing things in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

2. Have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

3. Have you had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or sleeping too much in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

4. Have you felt tired or had low energy in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

5. Have you lost your appetite or overeat in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

6. Have you felt bad about yourself in the past month—or felt like a failure, or let yourself or your family down?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

7. Have you had trouble concentrating, such as reading a newspaper or watching TV, in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

8. Have you moved or spoken too slowly lately, and people have noticed? Or the opposite—have you been fidgeting, moving around more than usual?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

9. Have you thought about suicide in the past month?

▸Not at all

▸A few days

▸More than half the days

▸Almost every day

Warm reminder

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