Back pain
Back pain is discomfort you feel anywhere in the back of your body, from the base of your neck to the top of your buttocks. It is a common symptom of many different underlying injuries and illnesses. Back pain is one of the main reasons people visit their doctor.
What does back pain feel like?
The feeling of back pain varies depending on the cause. You might describe your pain as:
▸ Burning
▸ Dull pain
▸ Sharp pain
▸ Stabbing
▸ Throbbing
▸ Throb
You may also experience:
▸ Muscle tightness or stiffness
▸ Tingling, numbness, or weakness
▸ Sudden muscle twitches or contractions that can be mild to extremely painful (back spasms)
▸ Pain or other sensations may spread (radiate) from your back to other areas, such as your buttocks, hips, or legs.
▸ Certain postures, such as standing, bending over, or lying down, may make your symptoms worse or better. The pain may come and go. It may be worse at certain times of the day, such as when you first wake up.
What are the types of back pain?
Healthcare providers often describe back pain based on where it is. You may have:
▸Upper and middle back pain. This is back pain you feel between the base of your neck and the bottom of your ribs. Your thoracic spine runs through this area.
▸Lower back pain. This is back pain you feel just below your ribs. Your lumbar spine runs through this area.
▸Muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves surround your spine and help you move. But many different injuries and chronic conditions can affect all of these moving parts, causing back pain.
▸Lower back pain is more common than upper and middle back pain. That's because your lumbar spine bears most of your weight and also takes on most of the stress when you lift or carry things. Therefore, this part of your spine and the structures around it are particularly susceptible to painful injuries and wear and tear from overuse.
▸Acute vs. chronic back pain
In addition to location, healthcare providers describe back pain based on how long it lasts:
▸Acute back pain lasts less than four weeks.
▸Subacute back pain can last anywhere from four to 12 weeks.
▸ Chronic back pain lasts longer than 12 weeks.
Why does my back hurt?
It’s not always easy for you to tell the specific cause of your back pain. You may be able to pinpoint the moment it hurts—for example, when you twist a certain way or lift something heavy. But other times, the pain may start without an obvious trigger.
Care and Treatment
How can I get relief from my back pain?
Treatment for back pain depends on the cause and type (acute or chronic). Your healthcare provider may recommend one or more of the following treatments to address the underlying cause and/or relieve your pain.
▸Physical therapy
Integrative medicine therapies, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, or yoga therapy
▸Osteopathic therapy
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), a pain relief therapy
▸Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you cope with severe or chronic pain
▸Medication injections, such as epidural steroid injections (ESIs) or nerve blocks
▸Muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, or methocarbamol (these medications require a prescription and are addictive, so follow your provider’s instructions closely about when and how to take them)
▸Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen
▸Prescription pain relievers, such as duloxetine (because opioids are so addictive, providers usually only use them as a last resort when the benefits outweigh the risks)
▸How can I get back pain relief quickly at home?
We all want to be free of back pain right away. But most injuries and illnesses that cause back pain take time to heal. Here are some tips that may help you relieve back pain:
▸Use a heating pad to relieve pain and stiffness
▸Use ice packs to control pain and swelling
▸Do careful, purposeful movements (exercises and stretches for back pain relief include some yoga poses combined with deep breathing techniques)
▸If you have back pain, your instinct may tell you to lie down and rest. But in many cases, gentle movement can help more than bed rest. It depends on the cause of your back pain. Talk to your healthcare provider about the level of physical activity that is safe and helpful for you.
Other FAQs
Can pregnancy cause back pain?
Yes, back pain is common during pregnancy. It can range from mild to severe. If you experience any pregnancy pain, you should tell your doctor so they can help you find ways to feel better.