Autism is also known as autism. The best period for treatment is between 3 and 6 years old. Pay attention to observation and check and treat in time if abnormalities are found. The measures to prevent autism are mainly to avoid drug abuse, viral infection, and mental stimulation in early pregnancy.
Children under 12 months old may show symptoms of autism:
• Little or no nonsense
• Little or no eye contact
• More interested in objects than in people
• You don't seem to hear when others speak directly to you
• Play with toys in unusual or limited ways
• Repeat movements with fingers, hands, arms or head
• Start to develop language skills, but then stop or lose these skills.
2 Children under 18 may also show the following symptoms:
• Very specific areas of interest
• Limited or no interest in other children
• Behavioral problems, such as self-harm or self-isolation
• Repeating words or phrases without seeming to understand
• Difficulty engaging in reciprocal social interactions (such as playing peek-a-boo)
• Preferring to do things a certain way, such as always eating the same food
Possible signs of autism at any age include:
• Very little eye contact
• Different reactions:
▸ lights
▸ tastes
▸ smells
▸ sounds
▸ colors
▸ textures
• Very specific interests
• Repeating words or phrases
• Repetitive behaviors, such as spinning
• Nonverbal communication or language delays
• Strong reactions to small changes in routine or surroundings
Please make a test evaluation based on the child's performance in the past month
1: Have a fixed favorite item and carry it with them at all times.
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
2: Excited and unable to calm down.
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
3: Don't like hugs or any form of physical contact with others.
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
4: Laugh for no reason.
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
5: Use gestures to convey your thoughts.
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
6: Feeling difficult to communicate with other children when playing
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
7: Not interested in various extracurricular activities
A No
B Occasionally
C Often
8: Refusing to go to school
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
9: Repeating certain actions or words
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
10: Not caring about things around you
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
11: Like to stare at rotating objects
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
12: Can't look directly into other people's eyes
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
13: Accustomed to sticking to fixed behavior patterns and thinking about problems with fixed thinking
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
14: Responding to sounds and languages is relatively slow, and often needs repetition to respond
A None
B Occasionally
C Often
Test scoring and result interpretation
Scoring method: "None" (0 points), "Occasionally" (1 point), "Often" (2 points).
Interpretation of results: The degree of autism is assessed based on the total score:
▸0-6 points: no or very few autism symptoms.
▸7-15 points: mild autism symptoms, close attention is recommended.
▸16-22 points: moderate autism symptoms, psychological counseling and evaluation are recommended.
▸22 points and above: severe autism symptoms, professional psychiatric treatment is recommended.