In the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?
1. Lack of interest or pleasure in doing things
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
3. Having trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
4. Feeling tired or having low energy
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
5. Losing your appetite or overeating
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
6. Feeling bad about yourself - or feeling like a failure or disappointing yourself or your family
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
7. Having trouble concentrating on things like reading the newspaper or watching TV
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
8. Moving or talking too slowly for others to notice
•Or the opposite - Fidgeting and moving around more than usual
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
9. Thought I would rather die than hurt myself
•Not at all
•A few days
•More than half the days
•Almost every day
10. If you checked any of the questions, how much trouble did they make for you at work, at home, or getting along with others?
•Not at all
•Somewhat difficult
•Very difficult
•Extremely difficult