Dementia is a disease that affects memory, thinking and daily life. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve quality of life. The following is a simple dementia early test, which contains 10 questions, to help you initially assess cognitive health. If you or your family have any concerns, please consult a doctor in time.
Test questions
1. Short-term memory test
Question: Remember the following three words: apple, table, blue. After 5 minutes, can you recall them accurately?
Tip: Short-term memory loss is one of the early signs of dementia.
2. Time orientation test
Question: What day is it today? What year is it now?
Tip: The inability to accurately answer the time or date may be a manifestation of cognitive problems.
3. Place orientation test
Question: Where are you now? (For example: city, street, building)
Tip: Disorientation or inability to recognize places may be a sign of dementia.
4. Calculation test
Question: Starting from 100, subtract 7 in a row and say the result each time (100, 93, 86, 79, 72, 65).
Hint: Decreased calculation ability may be related to cognitive impairment.
5. Language test
Question: Please name 10 animals within 1 minute.
Hint: Decreased language fluency may be an early sign of dementia.
6. Visual-spatial test
Question: Draw a complete clock, mark all the numbers, and set the time to "10:15".
Hint: Failure to draw a clock correctly may indicate cognitive impairment.
7. Executive function test
Question: Please complete the tasks in the following order: clap your hands, touch your nose, and pat the table.
Hint: Failure to complete the tasks in order may be related to impaired executive function.
8. Attention test
Question: Please spell the word "WORLD" backwards (D-L-R-O-W).
Tip: Inattention or difficulty completing tasks may be a sign of cognitive problems.
9. Recall test
Question: Please recall what you had for dinner yesterday.
Tip: Recent memory loss is a common symptom of dementia.
10. Judgment test
Question: If it rains outside, what will you take with you? (e.g., umbrella, raincoat)
Tip: Decreased judgment may indicate impaired cognitive function.
Test result interpretation
0-2 errors: Cognitive function is normal, continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
3-5 errors: Mild cognitive impairment may exist, it is recommended to pay attention and consult a doctor.
More than 6 errors: Cognitive impairment may exist, it is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible.
How to prevent dementia?
Healthy diet: Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fish, and reduce high-fat and high-sugar foods.
Regular exercise: At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
Social activities: Maintain social interactions and avoid loneliness.
Brain training: activities such as reading, puzzles, and learning new skills can help keep your brain active.
Control chronic diseases: manage diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Early testing for dementia can help you understand your cognitive health, but it is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis. If you or your family have concerns, please consult a doctor in time. Through early detection and intervention, the progression of the disease can be effectively delayed and the quality of life can be improved.