Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder can overcome challenges in many ways. These parents need to be emotionally strong. If a child is recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), parents may wonder about what comes next. No parent is prepared to hear that their child is anything other than healthy. For parents, an ASD diagnosis can be frightening and confusing at first. They may face conflicting treatment advice from friends and relatives. They may even find it traumatizing to be told that autism is a lifelong condition. When one’s child is first diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), parents often wonder about what comes next.
There are treatment options that can help a child acquire and overcome their developmental challenges and learn new skills. Autism services, behavioural therapies and various programs are available to assist the child meet his/her special needs. Showered with lots of love and support, a child can learn to thrive with the right treatment plan. When taking care of these kids with an autism spectrum disorder, some of these parenting tips can help life to be much easier.
Learn About Autism
Parents should ready themselves to face the fact that autism is a condition that can be managed well. Gather beneficial information about ASD by browsing the internet or reading credible books. Speaking to other parents on the same journey also helps. It is important to educate yourself about the therapies available. Participate in programmes that involve treatment discussions. Follow expert advice and tips.
Become An Expert
Learn about what triggers the challenging or disturbing behaviours in your kid. Learn about ways to provoke positive responses. Explore what they find stressful, frightening and uncomfortable. Try to understand their needs and provide calming and enjoyable solutions. Find creative ways to troubleshoot their problems.
Look For Non-Verbal/ Action Indications
Be observant. Try to easily pick up on signs or non-verbal actions that your child with autism spectrum disorder uses to communicate their needs. Pay attention to the sounds they make. Their gesture or facial expressions can tell you when they are hungry or want something.
Figure Out The Motive Behind The Tantrum
Children with ASD may throw tantrums when they are misunderstood or ignored. Throwing a tantrum is a way of expressing frustration and for getting your attention.
Follow A Fixed Routine Or Schedule
Most children with autism spectrum disorder have a highly-structured schedule. They tend to do best in the scheduled environment. Parents must set up a schedule with fixed times for their meals, therapy class and sleep time.
Reward Them For Good Behaviour
When parents see their child doing something good or learning a new skill, a little pat or praise can go a long way. Reward your child for good behaviour by giving them a sticker, toy or their favourite titbits.
Create A Personal Relaxing Space
Create a private space at home where your child can relax. A private place can make them feel secure and safe. Use visual cues (coloured markings, pictures) to set up a boundary. Make this area ‘safety proof’ (without porcelain decorations). This is especially if your kid is prone to tantrums or self-injurious behaviours.
A Time Scheduled ‘Only’ For Fun
A child with autism spectrum disorder is still a child. It is important to involve more fun with various therapies and treatment. Have fun together by involving things (toys, books) that make your child laugh and open up to you socially. He/she will enjoy these activities and gain tremendous benefits that result from simple enjoyment.
Don’t Give Up
Do not jump to conclusions! Cut out the negative ideas of what life is going to be for your child with ASD. Like everyone else, children with autism have an entire lifetime to grow and improve their abilities.
The ASD Support Groups
Parents must join ASD support groups to learn how to face various challenges. Here, parents can interact with other families dealing with the same challenges, share information with each other and get the right advice. Being a member of an ASD support group can give you the support you need as a parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder.